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 celebrating life & disability awareness


joyful & expressive


about wings

WINGS Dance Residency Project at Crockett High School is in its 25th year.  In collaboration with the Life Skills Department, WINGS brings dance education to high school students with learning disabilities.  Students meet weekly from October through May for modern dance classes.  These classes benefit the students physically, cognitively, psychologically, and socially.  Many of these students have difficulties with speech and social skills.  Dance gives them a non-verbal way to express their feelings and to connect with others.

WINGS works closely with movement concepts from the historical tradition of modern dance, which rests on the elements of movement: time, space, and force.  These elements provide wonderful structures to explore, experiment, create, and develop kinesthetic intelligence. There is an inherent creativity in this process, and students come to know themselves through  autonomy and self-expression.  Teamwork is ever-present and diversity is appreciated as students experience infinite ways of expressing movement ideas.  


wings performances

WINGS performs for hundreds of elementary students every Spring.  Our recent performance, ABCMeMove-an interactive journey through the alphabet, has been getting great reviews.  With the audience seated in the round, the performance is intimate and offers opportunities for audience involvement.  The dancers perform with artistry and skill to the delight of the audiences. Everyone comes together through the power of dance.



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